REALLY? Do I need any more stress?

01 Mar

Did anyone else have a difficult time joining Pinterest?  At first I thought it was stupid.  Then Gina Sullivan (who should join the Sam Bernstien law firm for her gift of persuasivness) talked me into it.  She made me look at it on her IPAD while she was dying my sadly gray hair.  I was captive…what could I do?  So I try to join…they send me a letter saying…”Thanks…we will get back to you. Maybe.  Love, Ben” and I had to wait an excruitiating 3 days to get accepted.  Alissa and I were in an ugly and heated contest to see who could get accepted first.  I was actually starting to doubt my self worth.  I did get accepted first.  I cried tears of joy when I opened my email and saw the welcome letter. Ah well…it was worth it.  Now I have board full of expensive home improvements and things that I covet daily.  Good times.  Thanks Ben.

1 Comment

Posted by on March 1, 2012 in Uncategorized


One response to “REALLY? Do I need any more stress?

  1. stepher1

    April 1, 2012 at 2:10 AM

    Interest has me baffled. I have followers and I don’t even know where I’m going!!!


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